
Mastomint Cool-Gel

Mastomint Cool-Gel




Mastomint helps by drawing the contents of masprep tube to the infected area which is usually at the top of the quarter. It also helps draw blood to this infected area which helps the white blood cells circulate and fight the infection.

When mastitis infections get established it causes the milk producting Aveloi cells to swell and thus prevents the blood flow to this area, hindering the animals natural healing.

It is difficult to treat infections whilst cow is in high milk production as the milk flow is down and out of the quarter twice daily, making it hard for any treatment to reach the area of infection.

For cows high in S.C.C this treatment method, Mastomint & Masprep can be used up to 5 days to clear the latent infections.

For chronic high S.C.C cows, the best practice is 3-4 days prior to drying off a course of antibiotics. Use a good dry off routine and that cow has then been given best chance to clear for coming lactation.

N.B results are slower to achieve when masprep is used on its own or with other ‘mints’. The formula of mastomint Cool Gel is such as to enhance the workings of masprep tubes.

Rub Mastomint cool gel vigorously into the infected quarter after tubing.

Continue to apply mastomint cool gel and 1 masprep  tube after each milking for 3-4 days depending on the quarter.

The foremilk on the next milkings will be high in S.C.C and must be discarded, as it will raise the average S.C.C of the herd. This is normal, it means the udder has of discarding the dead cells from the infection.


Available in 500ml and 1litre



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